What Students Are Saying...

My name is Michelle Stampe, and I’m a ghostwriter.
I’ve only been in this business for two years, and I’m already competing with writers with decades of experience. This is what happens when an expert like Julie shares with you the systems, processes, and secrets they’ve uncovered over their career.
I graduated college with an English degree, but no one ever told me I could actually have a career in writing. At least not one that would allow me to support myself financially. Until I met Julie, I didn’t understand that ghostwriting was my ticket in.
You don’t have to work a nine to five. You don’t have to work for someone else. And you don’t have to be a starving writer, either.
But being a profitable writer isn’t something you learn in school. You learn about the mechanics of writing and literary theory, but you’ll soon learn that none of that helps you find clients or manage projects. And it can be really stressful to figure out on your own.
Julie has been doing this for decades. That means she’s bringing to this course a career’s worth of successes and failures that you can build your own business on.
Today, I make a really great living as a writer and I set my own schedule. I work with highly successful entrepreneurs in the morning and am free to ride my mountain bike in the afternoon. I take time off whenever I want, I work whenever I want, and I have the flexibility to work from my laptop from anywhere in the world.
If you want to make a great living, learn something new every day, and enjoy the kind of freedom and autonomy that writers do, then learn from Julie, take this course, and start writing.
The Details
Hello, my friend!
I’m so excited that you’ve decided to learn more about the Ghostwriting Masterclass. It’s time to land your first (or next) nonfiction book client and become a highly skilled, well-paid ghostwriter.
Here's the scoop ...
Almost every business owner, thought leader, and expert I know wants to be an author. But they are completely clueless about how to make that dream a reality. Many of them try to write their books, but in the end they discover it's a lot harder than they thought and decide to get help.
That's where you come in.

In this self-paced masterclass, I’m going to hand you my entire playbook for selling high-end book projects to business clients who will happily pay you up to 10X the fees you’re currently charging for lower-end projects.
And here’s a little secret…
If you use the skills I'll show you, these books don’t have to take more than a few weeks to a few months to write.
If you can write 2500 words a day, you can finish a 50,000 word draft in 30 days—if you take the weekends off!
If you’re looking to make more money with less work and hassle, then you owe it to yourself to learn the art of ghostwriting books.
There simply is no better vehicle for building a sustainable, fulfilling freelance writing career.
If you’re wondering …
Where are the clients?
How do you get them to hire you? (especially if you’ve never written a book before)
How much do you charge? And what about contracts?
How do you split up the payments? (Hint, the pros get paid before they write.)
How do you structure a book for a business client?
How do you get the content out of the client easily and quickly?
How do you write in the client’s voice?
How does the revision process work?
How do you present the final product?
It took me nearly 30 years to figure out the answers. You can find them inside the masterclass.
The Ghostwriting Masterclass was originally part of a $2,500 live mentorship program, but you get immediate access to every lesson. You'll learn how to find and woo your ideal clients, steer the entire book production ship like a pro, and even bundle your services to boost your fees.
But here's the thing: all the know-how in the world won't help if you don't have the confidence to charge what you're worth.
We'll tackle that, too.
Ready to transform your freelance writing journey? Let's do this!
If you’re already a working writer,you’ve got what it takes. If you can string sentences together, you can write a book. It’s just more sentences than you’re used to. You’ll master the fastest,easiest way to structure the perfect book for your client. You’ll learn how to do book development and get them to supply all the content you need. This same process will revolutionize your article and content writing, as well. You’ll never run out of things to write about!
We’ll teach you that in the very first session. You’ll be surprised to find that book clients are everywhere. They secretly desire to write a book, but they don’t know how and they don’t have time. Some of them have been trying and failing to write a book for years! Which is why they’ll pay to have a qualified ghostwriter take the wheel.
I’ll teach you in the first session as well. The standard per-word rates you can find online or in The Writer’s Market don’t really apply in the business book world, but they’re a good place to start at the low end. Often the ROI on a project is so high that it’s easy to command much higher fees. (One of my most successful ghostwriting projects helped the author build a $360 million dollar company! Another of my clients used the book I wrote for her to go from food stamps to $10 million in just 3 years!)
You don’t have to be, as long as you’re diligent and make forward progress. We’ll teach you how to increase your speed by using the right structure, but also—YOU get to set the deadlines and parameters for the project. The client has NO IDEA how long it “should” take to write a book. They are looking for you to be the leader on this.
Here’s the deal, if you don’t change your business model and add new skills, you’re never going to change your life.
You can start small and get your feet wet with a simple project first, and then progress as fast as you like. It’s up to you.
But the VERY FIRST thing you’re going to learn is where the clients are and how to land those lucrative book projects.
And here’s another little insider tip for you—every author who gets one book always wants another one! I’m currently working on the 5th book for one of my favorite clients.
That’s okay, neither do I. People told me I needed one, but I just keep getting clients. I was too busy to pick a niche.
Just this year I’m working on a weight loss book, 2 books on video marketing, 2 books on real estate, and one textbook for future physical therapists.
You know how I can switch between so many different topics—WITHOUT knowing anything about real estate, weight loss,or physical therapy?
The magic is all in the structure and how we do book development. You’ll study that in depth in the Ghostwriting Masterclass. It doesn’t matter what market your client is serving, you’ll be able to write their book with confidence when you follow this method.
Which means you never get bored.
And you never have to write for anyone you don’t want to.
YOU choose your clients!
I struggled with what to charge for this program because I KNOW how your life is going to change when you’re able to charge $25,000 or more for a single project. And I wanted you to be able to make a profit just by enrolling in the course and implementing the lessons.
The live mentorship version of this program sold for $2500.
But for a VERY LIMITED time, I’m offering the home study version for just $497!
This Masterclass Is Not For Everyone!
You need to be a good writer who is always learning and improving.
You need to be motivated and able to finish what you start.
You need to be flexible and work with clients to meet their needs and deadlines.
All of that is GOOD NEWS because it means that this blue ocean isn’t about to bloody up anytime soon. These are all qualities that require a little extra work—which is why most people will keep slaving away trying to “get rich quick”. Let them.
You can be confident knowing you’ll have paying clients no matter what the economy or technology is doing, no matter what crisis is swirling around the world.
That’s what I want for you.
It’s what you deserve!
Peace of mind. Security. Fulfilling work. And projects that actually MEAN something.

--Terri McMackin
Landed my first client...a WEEK BEFORE the course even started!
I have always enjoyed writing. I journal regularly, submit small articles to papers and magazines, and write blogs and bios for clients. The thought never crossed my mind that I could actually make a decent living writing full time…
Then I met Julie at a networking event designed for rural and remote workers.
While the intention of the event was to network, hearing Julie talk about her work as a writer had me intrigued. Her passion for it was contagious and I just had to know more!
It didn’t take much more than a 30-minute Zoom call to have me convinced to enroll in her Ghostwriting Masterclass.
My worry was not that I didn’t have the skills to write a book, but that I simply didn’t know anyone who could afford to have one written.
I am so proud to say that, with some very energetic coaching, I have officially landed my first client… A WEEK BEFORE I ACTUALLY START THE COURSE!
Who's Running This Show?
Meet Julie Anne Eason
Julie Anne is a best-selling author, speaker, and founder of Thanet House Publishing. She started her professional writing career more than 25 years ago covering school board meetings for the local newspaper and then moved into sales and copywriting for companies of all sizes.
She struggled to overcome the typical freelance feast-or-famine cycle of low-paying jobs and eventually rose to join the top 1% of writers in the US. The struggles and challenges she overcame throughout her career prompted her to write a series of books for freelance writers including, Writing for Money and Meaning, The 5 Author Freakouts, The Profitable Business Author, and The Work At Home Success Guide.
She has also consulted and ghostwritten multimillion-dollar best selling books for thought leaders and influencers, including Russell Brunson, Alex Hormozi, Amanda Holmes, Annie Grace, Alex Charfen, Todd Hartley, and many more.
Most of all, Julie Anne loves helping people experience the joy of writing with less stress and more fulfillment.